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Spanish Cardinal Omella implicated in concealing severe clerical sexual crimes: Report sent to Cremades Law Firm (2.2 of 5)

Actualizado: 2 jul 2024


AUTHOR: JORDI PICAZO SALOMÓ, BA (Hons), MA, MCIJ, PGCE, a Member of The Chartered Institute of Journalists, UK. Member of the Il.lustre Col.legi de Periodistes de Catalunya. Member of the RNA (Religion News Association, US)



Have a Good Read.

The Editor at Jacques Pintor

This article was first published on 9 June 2024.
1.- 2018. Article by Mons. González-Agápito. The Hidden and Covered Up Pederasty of the Clergy
2.- 2021. Article by Mons. González-Agápito about the Cardinal's Entrance into the Basilica Like an Elephant in a China Shop
3.- Mr Biarnés received a WhatsApp Message from Monsignor Jordi Bertomeu After He Read the Article
4.- Is Cardinal Omella in charge of overseeing the "Delicta Graviora" at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for the Spanish Cases?
5.- The Ongoing Communication Via WhatsApp Between Monsignor Bertomeu and Cardinal Omella
6.- Excerpt from the Phone Conversation Between Cardinal Omella and Journalist Jordi Picazo
7.- The 81,000 € Extortion Payment to Mr Biarnés
8.- Agreement Text for Resolving a False Complaint with the Department of Labor Inspectorate in an Attempt to Extort Cardinal Omella
9.- Complaint Filed by Jordi Picazo against Mr. Biarnés
10.- Profiles of Cardinals Lluís Martínez-Sistach, Juan José Omella, and Bishop Sebastià Taltavull in Relation to Conspiracies
11.- Cardinal Omella's Acceptance of Homosexuality Within the Parish Community
12.- Cardinal Omella permitted a porn actor to take part in a morality play for Christmas at a church foundation, even after being informed by me and despite the veto from the Spiritual Advisor of the Diocesan Foundation
13.- Cardinal Omella's Threats Towards Journalist Jordi Picazo for Complaining to Him
14. - The Act Was Spread in Mataró, Criticism Being Targetted to Faithful Catholics and Those Who voiced their Disapproval of Pornography in the Church
15.- Correspondence Sent By Journalist jordi Picazo to the Diocese of Barcelona
16.- Cardinal Omella's Judicial Vicar's Homosexuality
17.- What Was Cardinal Juan José Omella Busy With During That Period?
18.- Cardinal Omella and the Case of the University of Salamanca
19.- Three more posts will contain the following sections
20. Q&A For the Second Section, An Aid to Better Grasp the Complex Reality of  "HOUSE OF SANTIAGO".
To Be Continued

Spanish Cardinal Omella implicated in concealing severe clerical sexual crimes: Report sent to Cremades Law Firm

1.- 2018. Article by Mons. González-Agápito. The Hidden and Covered Up Pederasty of the Clergy

1. It has been more than 20 years since the Ombudsman, Prosecutor of the Archdiocese of Barcelona, who was at your service, endured his personal Via Crucis and Calvary. A series of crimes had been uncovered within the Barcelonan clergy. These unfortunately included pedophilia. One of its saddest and most tragic victims committed suicide. The Prosecutor, a Doctor of Law and Lawyer No. 10,965 of the Barcelona Bar Association, proposed to Archbishop Mons. Ricardo Carles Gordo that these crimes, as contemplated in the Penal Code, should be reported to the civil authorities. The reaction was entirely contrary. They wanted to continue the ambiguous policy on this issue from the pontificate of Cardinal Narciso Jubany Arnau, in which Revs. Lluís Martínez Sistach, Jaume Traserra Cunillera, and Carles Soler Perdigó were involved. Silence, cover-up, and inaction were the norms, which some visionary prelate attributed to the Holy See. It was only when a victim linked by family to Mons. Ricardo Carles appeared in Valencia, along with another individual identified as part of the crime and belonging to a very "Mass-going" Barcelonan family, that the matter began to personally interest the Archbishop.

2. But the war against the Prosecutor also began, increasingly fierce and bloody. They sought to prevent this person from obtaining any position of responsibility in the Church. He was accused of everything that could offend divine law and human, secular, and canonical laws. The kindness of the Apostolic Nuncio of the time and the bewilderment of Archbishop Carles allowed me to learn almost everything I was accused of. With great pain and immense disappointment, I saw myself slandered with certain crimes that those same accusers had registered, many proven, in the Prosecutor's Office. But it was a difficult and very tough time. Nothing could be reported to the secular authorities. But almost everything said against me was lamented, but at least the knowledge was accepted. It was said that this was imposed by Rome. Pope John Paul II also proposed to us priests the person and work of Marcial Maciel as a model and reference for personal life. In these circumstances, Ricardo Carles presided over a tribunal or something similar, as a canon lawyer I never knew what it really was, against the Prosecutor, Mons. Jaume González-Agàpito. The event was attended by Auxiliary Bishop and Curia Moderator Mons. Joan Carrera, Judicial Vicar Mn. Francesc Xavier Bastida, and in a very discreet place, the Secretary-General of the Archdiocese, Father Enric Puig Jofra, S.J. In short, they wanted to discredit everything the Prosecutor had done against sexual and pedophilic criminals. They wanted to authoritatively warn the Prosecutor and stop his actions.

3. With Benedict XVI, there was a fundamental change: sexual crimes and clergy pedophilia had to be reported to the civil authorities. Many did not realize what Pope Benedict said 13 years ago. Or, rather, they wanted to ignore and interpret contrary to what Benedict XVI maintained. The former prosecutor, however, congratulated himself that the Pope ordered what he had proposed 10 years earlier. But he was alarmed when he saw that the new Archbishop of Barcelona moved to favor the accused during the pontificate of Ricardo Carles and saved at least two who had been ordained priests with his signature on the testimonial letters when he was Vicar General of Barcelona. Jubany always denied to the Prosecutor that the signature was his or under authorization, and Mons. Jaume Traserra could not give it: he was then only the Secretary-General of the Archdiocese. I indicated to Mons. Lluís Martínez Sistach that I would constitute myself as a party if the Holy See attempted to annul or contradict what had been done in Barcelona. Strangely, the voluminous file of all this, which I had closed, sealed with wax, and deposited in the special section of the Archive of the Archdiocese of Barcelona with Cardinal Ricardo Carles, had disappeared. The copy I kept with Carles' authorization I sent to the current Archbishop of Barcelona at the Nuncio's request.

4. Yesterday, the Secretary-General of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, Mons. José María Gil Tamayo, in an interview with the EFE agency, granted a week before concluding his mandate as he will be ordained bishop of Ávila on December 15, and before the elections for the position of Secretary-General of the CEE on November 20, said that regarding the clergy's pedophilia crimes:

-For years the Church has kept a "complicit silence" about the clergy's pedophilia crimes.

-The Church has framed itself within the same context of "inaction of all Spanish society" regarding these crimes.

-"It is true that the Church is obligated to a more coherent testimony than anyone, but this does not exempt the rest from assuming their share of responsibility in this common culture of silence."

-The 'inaction' of the Church has been the same as that of all Spanish society.

5. This new Bishop of Ávila said more things that the reader can easily find. But more than 23 years after what we suffered in Barcelona and which has prolonged afterward as I have tried to outline here, I celebrate that the Catholic hierarchy of Spain, through the mouth of the Secretary-General of the Spanish Episcopal Conference, now says that we must do what some of us already pointed out, Benedict XVI determined, and the great Pope Francis has imposed, with great energy and his apostolic authority. Signed, Jaume González-Agàpito.

2.- 2021. Article by Mons. González-Agápito about the Cardinal's Entrance into the Basilica Like an Elephant in a China Shop

Four doctorates, some licenses, and several masters, six and a half years as a parish priest in Llavaneres and a few in the diplomatic service of the Holy See. Thirty years ago, the Archdiocese of Barcelona rewarded me with the title of parish priest of Santa María del Mar. But the previous parish priest did not want to leave. Two friends of mine, Carlos Soler Perdigó and Jaume Traserra Cunillera, proposed that I go to Santa María Reina de Pedralbes. I arrived there and took possession on September 29, 1991, in a celebration presided over by Mons. Ramón Dalmau Serra, Auxiliary Emeritus of Barcelona. I then had two parish vicars older than me and two Jesuits on the weekends.

They corrected the matter, also appointing me General Prosecutor of the Archdiocese, and later, Episcopal Delegate of Family and Life (for more than 12 years) and Delegate of Ecumenism and Religious Relations (for 23 years). However, the Director of the Department of Canon Law and Ecclesiastical Law of the State at the Faculty of Law of the Autonomous University of Barcelona had already been vetoed the previous year, so I taught these disciplines at the Theological Faculty of San Paciano in Barcelona. The center still did not have graduates available in the subject and hired a Dominican who came from Valencia every week and occupied the interim chair. Some of my dear university colleagues from the Autonomous proposed I go with them to Pompeu Fabra University. I satisfied them by teaching some doctoral courses at the Faculty of Law of the University of Barcelona, where I had started my legal studies, due to its proximity to the Parish of Santa María Reina.

In the Parish of Santa María Reina, I replaced a parish priest who had served less than two years and had replaced the first parish priest whom I did not know. He received me saying: They had told me you were very intelligent, but by accepting this parish, you show me that you are not. In the church of Santa María de Montserrat de Pedralbes of the parish of Santa María Reina, apart from a couple of large tables, two other old office desks, two dozen metal armchairs, twelve metal chairs, and some other junk, I found no other furniture, not even a bed. In the sacristy, there was also very little. Apart from the foundational legacy of some candlesticks and a chalice, there was a very limited liturgical trousseau. The best was in the Chapel of Santa María Reina in Can Caralleu.

In the large garden, there was everything, even chard and tomatoes. One main entrance door on what was then Carretera d'Esplugues, number 103. Another small, almost unusable metal door on Miret i Sans street, to which I assigned number 36. Behind the church, there was a meager basketball court and a garbage dump protected by some cypresses. The gas station on what is now Avenida de Esplugues closed at 10 pm in an unpaved square. On the other side of Miret i Sans street, there was open land. I owe the essential cleaning of the rectory house, a bed, some furniture, dishes, cutlery, some glasses, and a few kitchen utensils to the kindness and affection of my former parishioners from Sant Andreu de Llavaneres. The kitchen was in the, until 2021, library on the first floor. The dining room was in Salvador's room until now.

There, I began to live and exercise my rectorship. For two years, I lived almost alone. I mean almost isolated: a poor telephone and little public transport service. There I also began to live my ideal of communal life for the clergy. Many people have passed through my house over 30 years. Many are clerics, others good people. One has remained by my side for 28 years.

It would be ridiculous for me to now eternalize everything that many have done during those 30 years of mine. An intense parish life, Converses de Pedralbes, the Divine Office celebrated and sung for almost three decades, the prepared and experienced Eucharistic celebrations, the social dining room El Pa de Sant Oleguer (with almost 25 years of life and which has now received the Medal of Honor from the City Council of Barcelona), marital pastoral care, catechesis for children, youth, and adults, the beautiful and interesting parish magazine of Pedralbes, ecumenism in practice, the brothers of the Orthodox Churches celebrating there, etc., etc.

It is therefore with great sorrow that, in October 2021, I have to endure being officially told by the General Prosecutor of the Archdiocese of Barcelona and in the presence of the Cardinal Archbishop that almost nothing is done at the Parish of Santa María Reina. That we are a swarm of idle and degenerate people given to drugs, that we hinder the Christian life of the faithful, that we treat people with kicks and punches, that nobody wants to come here for anything, and other barbarities that I prefer to forget and which caused me to collapse from fainting at the beginning of my Sunday homily on October 10, 2021.

A parish with only one priest, but which never stops, full of young people who attend to the poor every day, with groups of married couples who meet and pray periodically before the exposed Blessed Sacrament, where adults are frequently baptized, where many baptisms, marriages, first communions, and confirmations are celebrated each year, where the sick are cared for and followed, where many funerals are celebrated, where those who ask are received, listened to, and confessed, and where work is done, sometimes day and night, to attend to worship and the faithful, but also to clean, wash, scrub, and pray, does not deserve to be treated as if it were something unpresentable as those hypocritical Pharisees who condemn it say, but who perhaps deserve the stones they try to throw at the adulteress themselves.

It is for this reason and because I like very little this Church in which bishops get married civilly and in which, still today, the hierarchy has neither said nor done anything of what the Code of Canon Law provides. A Church in which ignorance and malice triumph and love for one's neighbor is lacking. A Church that, for 30 years, has prevented clerics from living together as recommended by the Second Vatican Council, the pontifical magisterium, the Code of Canon Law, and with statutes that none of the last three eminent ordinaries wanted to approve. A Church that hates Pope Francis, the Archbishop, and the Parish Priest, but is not visibly present in almost any place in secular society. A Church that almost always forgets the poor and the hungry. It is, therefore, time to say: Bon vent i barca nova (Good wind and a new boat).

3.- Mr Biarnés received a WhatsApp Message from Monsignor Jordi Bertomeu After He Read the Article

Mr. Biarnés received a WhatsApp message from Monsignor Jordi Bertomeu after reading the article that said:

"More or less... the problem of the Casa de Santiago is not in Rome but in Barcelona, and it is not fair to hit us (once again)."

Bertomeu later visited González-Agàpito, presumably to ensure there were no copies of the case.

4.- Is Cardinal Omella in charge of overseeing the "Delicta Graviora" at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for the Spanish Cases?

It is worth asking whether Cardinal Archbishop of Barcelona Juan José Omella and Omella controls the office for the most serious crimes in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. This question arises in light of his censorship of an article by Father Custodio Ballester, who rebuked the head of office Mons. Jordi Bertomeu for doing nothing about the greatest pedophilia crisis in the Spanish church, the so-called "Casa de Santiago" in Barcelona.

5.- The Ongoing Communication Via WhatsApp Between Monsignor Bertomeu and Cardinal Omella

Monsignor Bertomeu and Cardinal Omella called each other and called Ballester to take down the article. Additionally, Omella has admitted in the media that he does not want the pedophilia in the Spanish church to be investigated. Moreover, Bertomeu WhatsApps with the layman dressed as a bishop, Mr. Biarnés, as shown above.

6.- Excerpt from the Phone Conversation Between Cardinal Omella and Journalist Jordi Picazo

Recently, in a phone conversation with international journalist Jordi Picazo, Omella complained that a layman had those reports. The conversation up to that point has been transcribed and shown on our investigative website here. The following is a portion of that conversation:

Juan José Omella: The first thing a journalist must do is [give the headline] "a layman, in the Catholic Church, has access to papers that are under judge and secret."

Jordi Picazo: No, look, let me correct one point of what you just said, you are partly right, but let me correct one point: a layman, well, of course, yes, for example, a police officer, and maybe he's an atheist, or Buddhist, and has nothing to do with the Catholic Church.

J.J.O.: Salvador!

Jordi P.: Salvador...

J.J.O.: Biarnés!

Jordi P.: Salvador Biarnés.

J.J. Omella and Jordi P.: He's a layman [together].

Jordi P.: I already know, and I am denouncing this, monsignor.

J.J.O.: No one can have this [referring to the evidence Omella claimed was hidden or destroyed].

Jordi P.: I want to clarify that my criticism is based on journalistic principles rather than religious beliefs. I am highlighting that Biarnés seems to be falsely portraying himself as a bishop, and I am denouncing this deceitful behavior. While I agree with your efforts to reveal this deception, I must also point out that by involving Santa María Reina - where there are witnesses - you seem to be using the situation to further your own agenda of concealing the evidence of the abuses that they are attempting to expose.

7.- The 81,000 € Extortion Payment to Mr Biarnés

The Spanish press explains that the same Nuncio Bernardito Auza is being cornered by the circle around Cardinal Omella and the enigmatic Jesuit Germán José Arana. They want the Nuncio out of Spain because he does not support the lobby aligned with Cardinal Omella and Jesuit Arana in Spain. The news shortly after the Spanish general press suggested this is that now, after several letters from Biarnés directed to Cardinal Omella's personal secretary, threatening that if he is not ordained, he will reveal the handwritten evidence by victims and families of the most horrific ecclesiastical pedophilia case in modern Spanish Catholic Church history -- as explained above -- Omella consented to the payment of 81,000 Euros to Biarnés, disguised as "gratitude from the parish community for his 30 years of volunteer service."

This is not the most serious issue. The most serious is that to force this payment, the parish priest of Santa María Reina de Pedralbes in Barcelona, mentor of Salvador Biarnés, agreed to appear as denounced before the Catalan Labor Inspection for "30 years of unpaid volunteer work" by Mr. Biarnés.

In the agreement that follows this complaint -- which we show below -- the withdrawal of the document is contemplated, and receiving by this act of friendly withdrawal 81,000 Euros after "consulting the parish community." Half, at the time of withdrawal, and the second half when Biarnés appropriately leaves the parish in September 2023. It seems that even a visit from the labor inspection to the parish had already taken place.

8.- Agreement Text for Resolving a False Complaint with the Department of Labor Inspectorate in an Attempt to Extort Cardinal Omella

In Barcelona, on the twenty-fourth of January two thousand twenty-three


Rev. Monsignor JAUME GONZÁLEZ-AGAPITO GRANELL, of legal age, DNI 38.686.126B, residing at the Parish of Santa Maria Reina in Barcelona, Avda. Esplugues, 103. Acting on behalf of, as Parish Priest, the Parish of Santa Maria Reina in Barcelona of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Barcelona. Mr. SALVADOR BIARNÉS BIARNÉS, of legal age, DNI 40.923.806-K, residing at the same address, acting in his own name.


That for almost 30 years, Mr. SALVADOR BIARNÉS BIARNÉS has resided in the parish premises, in the rectory known as "Casal Sant Oleguer," as a volunteer, as a member of the Canons Regular of St. Augustine, providing selfless service in favor of the parish community, without any labor relationship between Mr. Biarnés and the Parish at any time. That Monsignor JAUME GONZÁLEZ-AGAPITO GRANELL is about to retire canonically, which is expected on September 23, 2023, the date on which he will leave the parish premises. That on the same date, Mr. SALVADOR BIARNÉS BIARNÉS will leave the parish premises. That the Parish Community of Santa María Reina of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Barcelona wants to recognize the selfless dedication of Mr. BIARNÉS in favor of this community, considering it worthy to give him a reward as a token of gratitude. That both parties wish to resolve the misunderstandings that have arisen in the past, especially the complaint filed by Mr. BIARNÉS with the Labor Inspection, in the sense that said complaint was impulsively and unmeditatedly filed, without the reality stated there being true. And stated above,


First.- Mr. Salvador Biarnés Biarnés will clarify before the Labor Inspection the relationship maintained with the Parish of Santa María Reina and will proceed to withdraw the complaint or, in any case, to accredit the real situation in which he finds himself. Second.- Once it is confirmed that the complaint has been archived, leaving the Parish of Santa María Reina of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Barcelona or the Catholic Church, in general, unharmed by the effects that the complaint could entail, the Parish will pay Mr. SALVADOR BIARNÉS BIARNÉS the amount of forty thousand five hundred euros (40,500 €). Third.- Once Mr. SALVADOR BIARNÉS BIARNÉS leaves the parish premises on September 23, 2023, the Parish of Santa María Reina, which belongs to the Diocese, will proceed to reward him with a second payment of forty thousand five hundred euros (40,500 €). Fourth.- This agreement, once the complaint before the Labor Inspection is archived, will be made public, obtaining an authentic copy for each of the interested parties, and, in addition, a third authentic copy will be sent to the Archdiocese of Barcelona to be the guarantor of compliance with the obligations established here once Mons. JAUME GONZÁLEZ-AGAPITO GRANELL is in a situation of canonical retirement. Fifth.- In the event that the Labor Inspection does not archive the proceedings initiated as a result of Mr. SALVADOR BIARNÉS BIARNÉS' complaint, everything previously agreed will be null and void, without Mr. SALVADOR BIARNÉS BIARNÉS having any right to claim anything as a donation from the Parish of Santa María Reina of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Barcelona.

9.- Complaint Filed by Jordi Picazo against Mr. Biarnés

Mr. JORGE PICAZO SALOMÓ, of legal age, with National Identity Document XXX-X, with address xxx, and phone number xxx, I SAY,

I hereby submit a formal complaint against Mr. Salvador Biarnés, who is alleged to have committed various offenses including insults, slander, impersonation of ecclesiastical office, concealing evidence of sexual abuse, extortion, and making false complaints in collaboration with a third party to facilitate extortion, among other accusations. It is important to note that the Judge or Judges will determine the classification of these acts. Mr. Biarnés can be reached for communication purposes at Basilica-Parish of Santa María Reina de Pedralbes, c/ de Miret i Sans, 36, 08034 Barcelona, and his mobile phone number is xxxx.

The undersigned is a registered journalist in Spain and the United Kingdom, being registered in Spain with number 15083 of the Il.lustre Col.legi de Periodistes de Catalunya.



ONE I have been reporting and investigating cases of ecclesiastical corruption in Spain since 2019, resulting from my collaboration with several independent international journalists, which have led to three books and numerous pieces of investigative articles published on the website where I have collaborated since mid-2020,

I have been speaking out against the ecclesiastical corruption that led to a prominent member of the Spanish clergy, the Jesuit priest Germán Arana Beorlegui, being brought to court in Madrid. The victim who accused him saw the evidence clearly explained in our publications. After the Judge had not been able to locate the Jesuit for a considerable period, I, as a Spanish citizen, personally contacted the court and provided the postal address where the accused was conducting a spiritual retreat for a week. The judge of the Madrid court, in an official order mentioning me as an unrelated party to the case, successfully summoned the accused Jesuit father.

TWO Mr. Salvador Biarnés has been insulting, slandering, and injuring me for months because of the journalistic complaints I have been making about his activities of impersonation of ecclesiastical office, threats, and extortion to the cardinal archbishop of Barcelona, coercing him to grant him sacred orders.

THREE This coercion has resulted in recent weeks in what is an alleged extortion and in Biarnés requesting tens of thousands of Euros in exchange presumably for silence regarding evidence of sexual abuses in the Dioceses hidden by the cardinal and supposedly destroyed, but which turns out to be in the custody of the parish priest with the knowledge of Mr. Biarnés, etc. To perpetrate this alleged extortion, a fake complaint was filed with the Catalan Labor Inspection within an agreement between the parish priest and Mr. Biarnés, to then be withdrawn as stated in the agreement and receive half of the agreed amount of 81,000 Euros for doing so. The undersigned published, protected by the Right to Information and by my work as a registered journalist, this agreement obtained from an informant, and which Mr. Biarnés himself acknowledges and defends on his Facebook account amid attacks on my person and against the "spy" who leaked the document.

PHOTOS 1 AND 2. Salvador Biarnés says: "My 'friend' Picazo has messed with me again. That frustrated journalist who lies more than Sánchez, and if not, invents. He betrays himself in his article: he publishes my agreement (...) He who throws objects to, and mistreats his wife is him. (...) He is also bad and ignorant."

FOUR Due to my exercise of the Right to Information and Freedom of the Press, Mr. Biarnés has been defaming and harming me, as detailed and the basis of my complaint, as emphasized in bold: A Facebook friend of Mr. Biarnés comments: Mr. Canon or whatever, you lack humility and silence. In response, Mr. Biarnés states, Lina Vaquer, you are worse than the Pharisees. Let's examine the alleged document mentioned by this scoundrel, which clearly states that I am a regular canon. That's all. He contradicts himself. He's completely insane. He assaulted his wife and has a restraining order. A self-proclaimed Christian, right. And his journalism degree is questionable.

Following this, he inquires, Who are you, labeled as WOMAN, WHORE, PIMP? A GOSSIPER, A MALICIOUS WOMAN? Subsequently, Mr. Biarnés revisits this arrangement, having extorted the cardinal for years, demanding 81,000 € in exchange for withdrawing a complaint previously lodged and then retracted before the Catalan Labor Inspection. As part of the same agreement, the first installment was to be paid upon withdrawal. I sought justice for myself and it was served. Now we aim to minimize further disruptions, acknowledging the existing tension. And, as always, I emphasized the defense of God's honor, the House of Santiago crimes... Mr. Biarnés proceeds to accuse Cardinal Omella, as before did the Spanish daily "El País," of concealing evidence of pedophilia in the "Casa de Santiago" affair, and this is the third time Omella does this, says Biarnés. Allegedly, a case of extortion for monetary gain ensues: Marcosantonio Martínez de Castilla, the House of Santiago implicates numerous high-ranking officials. The documentation mysteriously vanished twice. It was eventually recovered. But it was Mgr. Santiago, who is far from reliable, who got a meager excerpt dispatched to Rome... with Mn Santiago referring to the judicial vicar of the Diocese of Barcelona, Rev. Santiago Bueno. Biarnés further remarks, They selectively heed the Pope's directives. Didn't the Holy Father urge reporting? Why does Omella persist in concealing it?


FIVE Mr. Biarnés is displaying some changes in his behavior, but this does not absolve him of the alleged crime detailed in this documentation. He is seen addressing the archbishop cardinal of Barcelona and his judicial vicar regarding the concealment and selective sharing of evidence with the Vatican. Omella has labeled Mr. Biarnés as a layman assuming ecclesiastical authority. Cardinal Omella maintains a close connection through WhatsApp with the official responsible for serious crimes within the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith at the Vatican. This official, widely believed to have rapidly ascended to this senior position due to a favor he did for a local bishop during a car accident while traveling together, is named Monsignor Jordi Bertomeu. A public letter, authored by a respected priest in the Diocese of Barcelona, accuses Monsignor Jordi Bertomeu of colluding with Cardinal Omella in this concealment.

An astonishing fact supporting the cardinal archbishop's motive to hide the original evidence of a severe case of pedophilia in Spain is that Cardinal Omella launched an inquiry with the diocesan prosecutor, accusing Mr. Biarnés and parish priest Monsignor Jaume González-Agàpito of alleged drug and alcohol usage in the parish, apparently with the intention of removing them through this deceitful scheme. Subsequently, the respected Monsignor Jaume González-Agàpito wrote a public post on social media denouncing this disgraceful action after dedicating 60 years of service to the Church in various parts of the world. This post is available for viewing.

PHOTOS 3 AND 4. According to Jordi Borràs, he cannot capture Picazo; Salvador Biarnés describes him as "crazy like a. Jordi Borràs: A Mortadelo and itching story."

PHOTOS 5 AND 6. Salvador Biarnés comments: "Keep Omella updated... And let jealousy eat away at you (...) abusive husband..."




Hence, I implore the Court to review the aforementioned complaint and accept it for further examination, to solicit the evidence I hold pertaining to each specific allegation, and to deliver fair judgment in support of my rightful plea. I request the opportunity to confirm my statements, present witnesses if necessary, provide documentation, audio recordings, etc. Signed, Jordi Picazo Salomó in Seville, May 2, 2023

10.- Profiles of Cardinals Lluís Martínez-Sistach, Juan José Omella, and Bishop Sebastià Taltavull in Relation to Conspiracies

Before becoming Cardinal Archbishop of Barcelona (now he is emeritus Cardinal), the then Archbishop of Tarragona, Cardinal Martínez Sistach, spearheaded a media campaign against Mgr Manuel Ureña's bid for Barcelona in 2004. Ironically, Cardinal Martínez Sistach ended up assuming the position, succeeding Cardinal Ricard Maria Carles. Monsignor Sebastià Taltavull, now the Bishop of Mallorca and previously an auxiliary under Martínez Sistach and Juan José Omella, publicly endorsed the "Cologne Manifesto" in 1989, which criticized the Vatican's bishop appointment policy and the perceived lack of transparency within the Holy See during the papacy of St. John Paul II.

One part of this manifesto highlighted the issue of the Roman curia appointing bishops globally without considering the suggestions of local churches and their established rights. This practice denies theologians the ecclesiastical right to express their expertise, which goes against the principles of freedom of research and doctrine outlined in the Second Vatican Council. There is also concern over attempts to expand doctrinal competencies beyond acceptable limits, leading to conflicts with disciplinary measures being aplied. The manifesto also criticizes the authoritarian actions of the Vatican, highlighting coercion, lack of freedom, censorship, and partiality in the appointment of bishops, ultimately fostering a conservative view of Catholicism. The involvement of Monsignor Sebastià Taltavull and other signatories, including 63 theologians and non-theologians, in denouncing such practices during the papacy of John Paul II is noteworthy.

Back in 1974, the newspaper Pueblo recounted how a young Juan José Omella had taken a stand against his own bishop due to disagreements over his superior's management. His mentor, Bishop Monsignor Pedro Cantero, who had previously recommended and supported Omella in his studies, was at the center of the dispute. Omella was cautioned that his actions might lead to excommunication. It is noteworthy that in 2017, Cardinal Omella oversaw the secularization of a priest, Rev. Miguel Ángel Barco, following false allegations of fathering a child. This move was believed to be driven by Omella's ambition to succeed his mentor, the late Monsignor Elías Yanes, as Archbishop of Zaragoza, as per accounts documented and shared online in audio form.

11.- Cardinal Omella's Acceptance of Homosexuality Within the Parish Community

In the summer of 2018, confirmations took place at Santa María Reina (Mgr González-Agápito's Basilica and parish church). Efforts were made to attract more people and enhance the basilica's reputation. Among those confirmed was a homosexual couple, where one of the men had previously been married to a woman, but is now divorced and in a stable homosexual relationship that is well-known. The daughter from one of their previous marriages is now considered the daughter of both men, as they share custody on alternate weekends. Despite their public homosexual relationship, they have been serving as altar boys in the Basilica and assisting with liturgical vestments during ceremonies until our investigative team brought this to wider attention (photos available below).

These two men lead an active homosexual lifestyle, as previously mentioned. One clear indication of this is their behavior when they visit Sitges, a key hub of gay life in the region of Barcelona. They "dress like prostitutes, engage in public displays of affection, and switch between different personas, from ordinary citizens to drag performers", writes one observer from the community in the basilica-parrish church. It is important to clarify that my observations are not meant to be judgmental towards these individuals; rather, they aim to provide a realistic portrayal of the image they choose to present of themselves. This image starkly contrasts with the religious community they are part of, where their actions are seen as disrespectful towards the congregation and the sanctity of the altar. One of the two individuals (both are altar servers and homosexual) had a Catholic brotherhood president as his confirmation sponsor, while Mr. Biarnés fulfilled the same role for the other individual.

The images that follow have been sourced from their personal Facebook account, making them part of the public domain. They feature the two altar servers of the basilica-parish of Santa María Reina de Pedralbes in Barcelona, where Rev. Dr. Monsignor González-Agàpito serves as the rector. These images highlight the double standard of judgment present in the Diocese of Barcelona, particularly exemplified by Mr. Biarnés and the rector Mgr González-Agápito. González-Agápito has previously portrayed himself solely as a victim of Cardinal Omella's actions.

The focus here is not on their lifestyle of these two homosexual couple and altar servers but rather on how it contrasts with the teachings of the Catholic Church. This contrast is supported by Mr. Cardinal Juan José Omella, who simultaneously conceals and investigates any evidence related to the reports of pedophilia that resulted in a teenager's suicide and the promotion of pedophile deacons against the directives of the former Cardinal of Barcelona, Narcís Jubany.

12.- Cardinal Omella permitted a porn actor to take part in a morality play for Christmas at a church foundation, even after being informed by me and despite the veto from the Spiritual Advisor of the Diocesan Foundation

At the end of 2016 and the beginning of 2017, Cardinal Archbishop of Barcelona Juan José Omella disregarded complaints from parishioners and the veto of the Spiritual Advisor of the Canonical Association Cercle Catòlic de Mataró in Barcelona. This occurred when the canonical association announced plans to organize an event promoting "conviviality and fraternity" featuring a local porn actor at a children's event, a famous yearly morality play to conmemorate the 100th aniversary of its creation. It is important to note that the Spiritual Advisor of the Centre Catòlic, Rev. Vicenç Mira, was denied his veto rights. Rev. Mira had explicitly vetoed the event to the president, board members, and friends of the Cercle Catòlic, but they chose to ignore his decision. Cardinal Omella could not care less and did nothing. The incident involving the representation of the adult film industry at a children's and family event within the Catholic Church occurred in Mataró, Barcelona, during the celebration of the traditional Morality Play "Els Pastorets" in the Christmas season of 2016-2017, as part of the centennial festivities.

The individual in question is Ignacio Jordà González, known as Nacho Vidal, who faced allegations of financial misconduct related to his alleged involvement in a tax evasion scheme led by Chinese national Gao Ping between 2010 and 2012. More recently, Vidal was implicated in the death of a journalist who was invited by Nacho Vidal and his associates to a drug-fueled party, where Vidal oversaw the distribution and consumption of the substance that proved fatal to the journalist. Subsequently, Vidal was charged with negligent homicide in connection to this incident, as detailed in the provided link.

13.- Cardinal Omella's Threats Towards Journalist Jordi Picazo for Complaining to Him

Cardinal Omella issued threats to Jordi Picazo, who reported the incident to the Diocese. When the Diocese remained silent, Picazo brought the matter to the Vatican. Subsequently, the cardinal intensified his threats. I possess the letter containing these threats, signed by Omella himself. Omella had only served as Archbishop of the Diocese of Barcelona for one year (since December 26, 2015) before being appointed cardinal after six months (June 2017). He had been the chief actor in undermining Archbishop Monsignor Ureña of the Diocese of Zaragoza in 2014, and collaborated with his mentor Germán Arana in attacking the Gaztelueta School in Lejona, Bilbao, which is affiliated with Opus Dei. Omella supported the accusation against a teacher at the school of inappropriate behavior towards a student, although the allegations could not be substantiated but were deemed plausible.

It is important to mention that Germán Arana is currently facing trial in Madrid. The initial hearing is scheduled for July 3, with the trial set to continue on September 29, 2023. The charges against him include alleged defamation, moral and labor damages.

14. - The Act Was Spread in Mataró, Criticism Being Targetted to Faithful Catholics and Those Who voiced their Disapproval of Pornography in the Church


Els Pastorets de Mataró, featuring Nacho Vidal. The Mataronense adult film actor was part of the cast of the Sala Cabañas play on Saturday. His appearance was highly anticipated among all the scheduled 'cameos'. Nacho Vidal took the stage on Saturday during the performance of "Els Pastorets de Mataró" in the city of Mataró, Barcelona. Throughout the Centenary year, Sala Cabañas has been inviting various celebrities to participate in the cast during different shows, with Nacho Vidal scheduled for Saturday. After watching the first act from the amphitheater – as he mentioned in a tweet on his official Twitter account – Nacho Vidal changed into a shepherd costume to make an appearance in the House of Naïm. During the second intermission, he posed for photos in the designated 'photocall' area in the Gàbia. With this, Nacho Vidal became part of the lineup of celebrity 'cameos' in the Centenary edition of Els Pastorets. The following day, Sunday, the renowned grandmother Remei made her appearance on stage, already in the Temple. Prior to this, writer Care Santos, journalist Carlos Herrera, actors Jordi Bosch and Pep Plaza, as well as the three mayors Joan Antoni Barón, Joan Mora, and David Bote had already taken part in these cameo roles.

In 2017, at the "Sala Cabanyas" on the website of the Canonical Association "Cercle Catòlic"

The official page of the Catholic Center displays activities promoting pansexualism, gender ideology, and free love at the CCBB in Barcelona. This content, accessible to a wide audience including children and seniors, suggests that those managing the page, who also shared links to explicit material, are likely affiliated with the Association. Despite attempts to contact the Cercle Catòlic, these individuals remained elusive to my questions over the phone. An upcoming event mentioned on the website is a lecture titled "Policies of Desire: Body, desire, and (cyber)space" by Remedios Zafra, scheduled for Wednesday, January 18th at 18:30.

How can desire be experienced through screens? To what extent will the digital realm impact human relationships? Join Remedios Zafra, a writer and theorist specializing in the critical analysis of contemporary culture, feminism, and identity politics online. For more details | Purchase tickets. Trans bodies. A lecture by Jack Halberstam. Taking place on Wednesday, February 1, at 18:30. My body is a battlefield. Engage in a roundtable discussion with Lucía Egaña, Brigitte Vasallo, and Eloy Fernández Porta on Wednesday, February 8, at 18:30. Exploring desire and subversion. Lecture by Marta Segarra on Wednesday, February 15, at 18:30. Army of Love: presentation and recruitment session. Workshop-performance led by Dora García, Ingo Niermann, Michelangelo Miccolis, and Krõõt Juurak on Wednesday, February 22, at 18:30. Delving into architecture and desire. Lecture by Andrés Jaque on Wednesday, March 1, at 18:30.

15.- Correspondence Sent By Journalist jordi Picazo to the Diocese of Barcelona

I had provided all this information to the Secretary General of the Archdiocese of Barcelona, as well as to Cardinal Omella's personal secretary, Rev. Marc Labori. Their response was silence. I asked the Secretary General, Monsignor Sergi Gordo, for the current statutes of the Association. Subsequently, the Secretary General was consecrated as a bishop and appointed as an auxiliary of Barcelona, and up until this week has been serving as the resident bishop of Tortosa. I made this request based on my rights as a journalist, a faithful Catholic, and up to that point, as a parishioner of the parish where this terrible incident occurred, the historic parish-basilica of Santa María in Mataró, Barcelona. Monsignor Gordo's unresponsive reply was that they had forwarded it to the Spiritual Advisor in Mataró, and suggested that I inquire with him. Following this suggestion, I did so, and that's how it all unfolded.

16.- Cardinal Omella's Judicial Vicar's Homosexuality

Rev. Dr. Santiago Bueno, the judicial vicar of the Diocese of Barcelona, sent limited information on pedophilia cases at the "Casa de Santiago" seminary to Rome. Interestingly, the judicial vicar of Cardinal Omella, Rev. Dr. Santiago Bueno, has a publicly known homosexuality case.

17.- What Was Cardinal Juan José Omella Busy With During That Period?

May 2016 - An intimidating letter is sent by Germán Arana to Monsignor Vicente Jiménez Zamora, the Archbishop of Zaragoza.

September 21 - The mother of the child wrongly atributed to Rev. Barco files a request for reconciliation at the Court of First Instance No. 5 of Madrid.

September 26 - Rev. Miguel Ángel Barco, a member of the Diocese of Alcalá de Henares who at that moment resided in Barcelona due to health reasons, pays a courtesy visit to Archbishop of Barcelona Juan José Omella after undergoing surgery and successfully recovering from another bout of cancer.

October 13 – The Dicastery for the Clergy's prefecct, Cardinal Stella removes the Diocese of Alcalá de Henares Bishop Reig Pla as guardian of Rev. Miguel Ángel Barco, taking over the guardianship himself as Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy. He assigns Cardinal Archbishop of Barcelona Juan José Omella the task of removing Rev. Barco from the priesthood for political motives, portraying Barco as a scapegoat in the Ureña Case of Zaragoza.

On November 12 – Cardinal Omella summons Rev. Barco to his office and hands him a letter from Archbishop Mercier, who was then Secretary of the Congregation for the Clergy. The letter informs Rev. Barco that a complaint has been lodged against him for breaking celibacy and fathering a child. Barco asks to be informed about the specific accusations made by the Congregation, but they do not disclose them.

November 16 – Reconciliation agreement reached between the biological parents of the child wrongly associated with Rev. Barco, and the Diocese of Alcalá de Henares.

December 12 - Monsignor Javier Echevarría, Bishop-Prelate of Opus Dei, passes away on the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

December 19 - Reverend Barco duly and timely writes a letter to Monsignor Mercier, conveying his surprise and dismay regarding the complaint lodged against him.

January 2017 - In January 2017, the ex-teacher of Gaztelueta School accused of having sexually abused a pupil penned a letter to the director and teachers of the institution, reaffirming his innocence and expressing his distress.

January 12 - Mercier sends an email to inform Miguel Ángel Barco that the accusations will be forwarded to Cardinal of Barcelona, Juan José Omella.

January 23 - Pope Francis confirms Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz as the new Prelate of Opus Dei.

February 24 - Cardinal Omella reads the accusations to Rev. Miguel Ángel Barco, but he declines to provide him with a copy of the document.

March 3 – Monsignor Vicente Jiménez is accused of alleged espionage by the former diocesan notary of the Diocese of Zaragoza, Mari Carmen Amador, and the former judicial vicar of the same diocese, Roberto Ferrer Sarroca, who were described as spies acting on behalf of Omella in a scheme orchestrated by Jesuit Germán Arana and Cardinal Juan José Omella to undermine Monsignor Ureña. The accusation against the archbishop stemmed from his supposed unauthorized access, as claimed by the accusers, to private communications discovered on the judicial vicar's computer located at the archbishop's premises. The legal complaint against Archbishop Vicente Jiménez was deemed admissible, leading to his summons by the Court to provide testimony as a defendant.

March 13 - Rev. Barco's lawyer, at that time still the lawyer of Zaragoza Fernando Valero, presents an exculpatory statement to Monsignor Mercier in the Congregation for the Clergy requesting the admission of evidence demonstrating the falsity of the accusations against his client.

On March 13, Rev. Barco's lawyer submitted a statement to Monsignor Mercier at the Congregation for the Clergy. The statement aimed to present evidence refuting the allegations against his client.

On June 28 – Cardinal Omella is appointed as a cardinal.

July – Following the request of a left-leaning mayor of L'Hospitalet de Llobregat in the province of Barcelona, Cardinal Omella reassigns a priest, Rev. Custodio Ballester, from his parish. He grants him a sabbatical year, which is later extended to two years, before assigning him as a second vicar in a parish with limited responsibilities.

July 1 – Following the removal of Prefect Cardinal Müller, Monsignor Luis Ladaria, a Jesuit who was a close friend of Arana and Omella, is appointed as the new Prefect of the Congregation of the Faith, moving up from his prior role as Secretary.

July 24 - Rev. Miguel Ángel Barco is officially laicized by Cardinal Beniamino Stella, Prefect of the Congregation of the Faith. Barco never saw the documentacion, nor the necessary signature of the Pope.

August – Bishop Gustavo Zanchetta resigned and his resignation was accepted by Pope Francis. Zanchetta was accommodated by Francis in his own residence in the Vatican while facing charges in Argentina. During his final court appearance in Argentina, he was convicted and sentenced to four years in prison for ongoing acts of pedophilia crimes.

On September 15 – Cardinal Omella summons Rev. Barco to his office in Barcelona and presents the document removing him from the priesthood. However, Barco refuses to sign it.

In December, Cardinal Omella is named as a Member of the Vatican's Apostolic Signatura.

December 8 – Omella enforces the involuntary laicization of Rev. Barco, instructing him to vacate the chaplaincy where he was serving as a priest and forbidding him from conducting public Mass starting on that day.

18.- Cardinal Omella and the Case of the University of Salamanca

During a conversation with an individual who was previously associated with Juan José Omella, it was revealed to me (the audio-file of this conversation is on Internet) that Cardinal Omella allegedly used coercion in 2018 to ensure the approval of a doctoral thesis for Rev. Ramón Batlle Tomás, the new director of the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences of Barcelona. The Cardinal reportedly threatened to establish a new examining board at the Pontifical University of Salamanca, which is owned by the CEE, in order to have a different thesis evaluated and approved, after Rev. Tomás had previously failed in his attempt around 2008.

19.- Three more posts will contain the following sections

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19.- About This Series of 5 Posts by our Team Member Journalist Jordi Picazo

On July 7th, I submitted a dossier to the Cremades - Calvo-Sotelo law firm, which I have titled "Five Nests of Crimes Related to Sexual Freedom and Integrity, as well as Evidence Pointing to Those Who Conceal Them." This compilation synthesizes my investigative work since 2019 on five cases that directly and markedly implicate Cardinal Juan José Omella. It's essential to note that the primary concealers of these crimes are Cardinal Archbishop of Barcelona, Juan José Omella, and his predecessor cardinals. Among them, the only living one is the emeritus Cardinal Lluís Martínez Sistach, who, according to public sources and based on a study by Professor Rodríguez, is the utmost responsible party in this context. Also implicated in this veil of concealment is Monsignor Jordi Bertomeu, the Pope's delegate for pedophilia investigations, notably in Chile and recently in Peru.

It should be underscored that this situation doesn't astonish us. As I've reiterated on multiple occasions, "El País" newspaper includes these individuals in its list of concealers, both in an article published on its website and in a report personally delivered to Pope Francis at the Vatican by a reporter from the mentioned outlet. According to this information, Cardinal Omella himself is on that list. This information leads us to the unavoidable conclusion that, even though the current Pope is aware of the situation, no action has been taken. Within this context, it is particularly alarming that Omella continues to be Pope Francis's delegate in Spain, tasked with addressing this severe issue.

My aim isn't to be insular but the very opposite: to contribute, within my means, to thorough investigation. I aim to surpass the apparent hypocrisy of those who have entrusted this task to the Firm, suspecting that, swayed by certain sectarian interests, they might want to limit the investigation, especially due to media pressure from platforms like "Religión Digital." I provide in the webography section an extensive list of articles from "Religión Digital" attacking the Cremades - Calvo Sotelo Firm in a grotesque manner.

I'd like to emphasize that my work isn't a mere whim, as I face three trials in October. I've been sued by a young priest, involved in activities contradictory to his ordination and linked to the regular practice of wild sex, contemporaneously to his actions to enter the seminary, in gay sex exchange dens. I identify these with names, addresses, and social networks where information was exchanged post these acts. In this document, I discuss it and reproduce letters sent to the Nuncio, his bishop, and the Aragón abuse prevention office, since, ordained less than five years ago, he is in charge of children from 15 parishes in the Jaca region. There has been no response.

Despite my warnings and complaints to ecclesiastical authorities, including the Nuncio and the bishop, no action has been taken. My accounts have been precautionarily embargoed, and severe penalties have been proposed for alleged damages caused. Meanwhile, the priest in question continues to perform numerous ecclesiastical and public functions. I respect and adhere to the ethical codes of my profession; he, on the other hand, seems to have breached the Catholic Church's private regulations.

Despite the prosecutor's view that sees my actions as highlighting the Church's double standards without committing a crime, the judiciary has been less lenient. My professional, social, and family life has been adversely impacted, and my family's safety jeopardized. However, I remain steadfast in my desire to defend parents' rights to educate their children, the rights of the Catholic Church, and the integrity of my profession.

This document is thorough, and its table of contents is crucial to facilitate its reading. Its purpose is to highlight certain actions by Cardinal Archbishop of Barcelona, Juan José Omella, which could be subject to both civil and canonical complaints. My interest isn't derived from personal feelings towards the cardinal but a natural response to actions that harm individuals' life and integrity. I don't intend for this document to be interpreted as a formal complaint but rather as a means to shed light on what remains hidden. The ultimate goal is to thoroughly investigate these areas and determine any criminal responsibility of Cardinal Omella. While some lawyers might see these efforts as futile, I insist on the importance of unveiling the truth and demanding justice.

Jordi Picazo, BA (Hons), MA, PGCE, MCIJ

To be continued.


20. Q&A For the Second Section, An Aid to Better Grasp the Complex Reality of "HOUSE OF SANTIAGO".

Q1: What events led to the personal suffering of the Fiscal of the Archdiocese of Barcelona 20 years ago? 

A1: The Fiscal, who discovered a series of crimes including pedophilia among the clergy in Barcelona, proposed to the Archbishop Ricardo Carles Gordo that these crimes should be reported to civil authorities. This proposal was met with strong opposition, leading to a campaign to discredit the Fiscal.

Q2: How did the church hierarchy respond to the proposal to report these crimes to civil authorities? 

A2: The church hierarchy, including Archbishop Ricardo Carles Gordo and others, opposed the proposal, continuing the policy of silence and inaction. The issue only gained personal interest from the Archbishop when it involved a victim related to him and a member of a prominent local family.

Q3: What challenges did the Fiscal face after proposing to report the crimes? 

A3: The Fiscal faced a fierce and escalating campaign to prevent him from obtaining any position of responsibility in the Church. He was accused of various offenses and discredited despite his efforts to address the sexual crimes.

Q4: How did the situation change under Pope Benedict XVI? 

A4: Pope Benedict XVI mandated that sexual crimes and pedophilia within the clergy must be reported to civil authorities. This change aligned with what the former Fiscal had proposed ten years earlier, though he was alarmed by the continued efforts to protect the accused.

Q5: How did the Church hierarchy’s attitude evolve over time? 

A5: Over the years, there has been a slow shift towards acknowledging the need for transparency and action against pedophilia, influenced by directives from Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis.

Q6: What controversy surrounded Mons. González-Agápito's tenure as a parish priest? 

A6: Despite his active parish life and contributions, he faced severe criticism and accusations from the Church hierarchy, leading to an incident where he fainted during a homily due to the stress and pressure from these attacks.

Q7: What was the response of the faithful and Mons. González-Agápito to the accusations and the state of the Church? 

A7: Mons. González-Agápito and his supporters felt deep pain and disappointment at the Church's hypocrisy and failure to live up to its principles. They criticized the lack of genuine pastoral care and the Church's tolerance of misconduct among its ranks.

Q8: How did the relationship between Mons. González-Agápito and key Church figures, like Mons. Bertomeu and Cardinal Omella, affect the situation? 

A8: The complex and often adversarial relationships with these figures contributed to the tension and difficulties in addressing the serious issues within the Church, including the handling of sexual abuse cases.

Q9: Who is Salvador Biarnés? 

A9: Salvador Biarnés is an individual who has been involved in various controversies within the Archdiocese of Barcelona. He lived in the parish rectory for nearly 30 years, supposedly as member of the Canons Regular of St. Augustine, and a volunteer providing services to the parish community.

Q10: Why is Salvador Biarnés' role considered grotesque? 

A10: Salvador Biarnés' role is considered grotesque due to several reasons:

  • Usurpation of Ecclesiastical Role: He is accused of presenting himself as a canon, which implies a level of ecclesiastical authority he does not officially possess.

  • Extortion and Blackmail: Biarnés allegedly extorted money from the Archdiocese by threatening to expose hidden documents related to sexual abuse cases unless he was compensated. This resulted in an agreement where he received a significant amount of money (€81,000) disguised as a reward for his "voluntary" service.

  • False Accusations and Inflammatory Behavior: He has been involved in making false accusations, spreading injurious and defamatory statements about others, and engaging in disruptive and disrespectful behavior, including threatening actions against the Archdiocese.

  • Controversial Relationships and Influence: Biarnés maintained close and questionable relationships with high-ranking church officials, including engaging in frequent communications via WhatsApp, which contributed to the perception of his undue influence and involvement in the church's internal matters.

  • Public Scandals: His actions and statements have led to public scandals, further tarnishing the reputation of the Archdiocese and causing significant distress within the church community.

Q11: How did the church officials respond to Biarnés' actions? 

A11: The response from church officials included:

  • Monetary Settlement: To avoid further scandal and possibly to manage his threats, the Archdiocese agreed to pay Biarnés a substantial sum of money.

  • Legal Actions and Denunciations: There were efforts to legally address his false accusations and extortion attempts, as seen in the formal denunciation by journalist Jordi Picazo.

  • Public Denouncements: Church officials and community members publicly denounced his actions and behavior, highlighting the disruptive and damaging impact he had on the church's operations and reputation.

Q12: What allegations have been made about Cardinal Omella's stance on homosexuality among acolytes and clergy in his diocese? 

A12: Allegations suggest that Cardinal Omella has been permissive or even supportive of homosexual relationships among acolytes and clergy. Notably, there were claims about two acolytes at the Santa María Reina parish who were involved in a public homosexual relationship and served in liturgical roles, which contradicts traditional Catholic teachings on sexuality.

Q13: What specific incidents highlight Cardinal Omella's alleged permissiveness towards homosexuality? 

A13: Specific incidents include:

  • Participation in Liturgical Roles: Two acolytes with a known homosexual relationship served in liturgical capacities, such as assisting in the vestments for celebrations, despite their lifestyle being publicly known and contradictory to the Church’s teachings.

  • Public Behavior: These individuals were reportedly seen engaging in homosexual activities in public places, like Sitges, which is known for its vibrant gay community. Despite this, they continued to serve in the church, suggesting a level of tolerance or approval from the diocesan leadership.

Q14: How has Cardinal Omella allegedly interacted with sexual crimes within his diocese? 

A14: Allegations against Cardinal Omella include:

  • Cover-Up of Sexual Crimes: Omella has been accused of not thoroughly investigating or addressing cases of sexual abuse within the diocese. This includes allegations of hiding or destroying evidence related to pedophilia cases and not reporting them to civil authorities as required by Church policy under Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis.

  • Manipulation of Legal Processes: There are claims that Cardinal Omella manipulated legal processes to protect accused clergy members. For instance, documents related to sexual abuse cases were allegedly sent to Rome in a diluted form to avoid full disclosure.

Q15: Who is Jordi Picazo and what action did he take against Salvador Biarnés? 

A15: Jordi Picazo is a journalist who filed a legal complaint against Salvador Biarnés. He accused Biarnés of multiple offenses, including defamation, extortion, and false accusations. Picazo’s complaint was based on Biarnés’ alleged involvement in various corrupt activities within the Archdiocese of Barcelona.

Q16: What is the incident involving a doctoral thesis in Salamanca? 

A16: The incident involves the approval of a doctoral thesis for the Rvdo. Ramón Batlle Tomás at the University of Salamanca. Allegations suggest that Cardinal Juan José Omella exerted undue influence to ensure the thesis's approval after it had been previously suspended.

Q17: What specific actions did Cardinal Omella allegedly take regarding the thesis? 

A17: Cardinal Omella is alleged to have:

  • Exerted Pressure: Threatened the University of Salamanca's rector to form a new examining tribunal and ensure the approval of Batlle's thesis.

  • Manipulated the Process: Ensured that Batlle's thesis was read and approved by a newly constituted tribunal, despite its initial suspension.

Q18: Why was the doctoral thesis of Rvdo. Ramón Batlle Tomás initially suspended? 

A18: The specific reasons for the initial suspension of the thesis are not detailed in the provided information. However, it implies that there were significant concerns about the thesis's quality or the integrity of the academic work, leading to its suspension.

by Jacques Pintor, investigative journ
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