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Actualizado: 7 mar 2024

On the day of Pentecost 2018, confirmations were celebrated in the Basílica of Santa María Reina in a wealthy neighborhood of Barcelona, Pedralbes. They looked for people everywhere to swell the numbers and grow the prestige of the Basilica. Among the confirmands, a gay couple. One of the two men, previously married civilly to a woman, later divorced from her, and now in a stable gay relationship known to the whole community. The daughter of his failed marriage has now become the daughter of both of them men in some form, on alternate weekends when she visits her biological father (see photos below). And they, gay men are altar servers at the Basilica despite their conduct and gay behavior at odds with the teachings of the Catholic Church, and known to all, that is. They help, dressed in liturgical vestments, in the celebrations. They are known to have an active gay life. Parishioners explain that when they go to the town of Sitges -the cradle of the gay fiesta in Spain, the nerve center of gay life in the province- "they dress up as prostitutes": "they eat each other's mouths; today in the parish, tomorrow as transvestites."

It is known that Mr. Biarnés sponsored one of these acolytes, we read: "How handsome is my godson with the silver cross I gave him," is one of the comments made by Mr. Biarnés on Facebook (see this comment in one of the photos below, dressed as a clergyman, as usual, being a layperson).

Enjoy your read!

Jacques Pintor

Jacques Pintor, journalist Copyright @2024 JACQUES PINTOR Any quotation from this article must refer directly to this Entry, this Blog, and the author Jacques Pintor. For information or contributions, write to

- The strange case of Mr. Biarnés.
- An article by Custodio Ballester
- Omella's double yardstick
- Juan José and (rough) sex
- Santiago Bueno -the Cardinal's gay judicial vicar- and the tolerance of the profanation of the vows and the gift of sexuality contrary to God's law and the norms of the institution he represents.
- Photo Album of the ecclesial Pride of Barcelona

The strange case of Mr. Biarnés

Biarnés wears the vestments of a prelate despite being a layman. He leads a life assimilated to the religious one in a regime designed only for him. You can see a photo of his sponsored acolyte below, a gay acolyte, divorced from a woman and father of a girl, with a cross on his chest. He is wearing a minimal bathing suit and accompanied by other photographs in which gay relations are celebrated. Next, they kiss each other in the pic, on the mouth.

The layman mentioned above who acts as a clergyman in Santa María Reina in Barcelona, Salvador Biarnés, allegedly controls the rector Monsignor González-Agápito, former prosecutor of the Diocese of Barcelona when the events occurred. Mr. Biarnés serves as a deacon and proclaims the Gospel without having the permissions and against what is established.

All this clashes enormously with the phobia and obsession of Cardinal Omella against the use of clerical vestments by the priest that he secularized, Rev. Miguel Ángel Barco. Within the logic of reason, this ploy to rob a faithful priest of his life should have been taken for nothing by Rev Barco. The unjust does not oblige, explains St. Thomas Aquinas. This is especially true when it is a Secularization without any process or trial, with the defendant being defenseless, as we have shown in our investigation. The Nuncio of His Holiness in Spain knows about it from our hand after giving him the "Zaragoza Report" (you can acquire the book through the link below or in your favorite bookstore).

An article by Custodio Ballester

Recently, an article ("Podredumbre Perfumada") by Reverend Custodio Ballester in the Internet portal Germinans Germinabit (vid) prompted a response from an official of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Monsignor Jordi Bertomeu, to Mr. Biarnés, his friend.

According to Biarnés, he shared with the Congregation's official for the Doctrine of the Faith Monsignor Jordi Bertomeu the article mentioned above entitled "Perfumed Rot," dated July 9, 2020, on the Internet portal Germinans Germinabit.

Biarnés then received by WhatsApp a message from Monsignor Jordi Bertomeu after he had read the article, which said:

"Well, yes and no ... the problem of the Casa de Santiago is not Rome but Barcelona, it is unfair to blame us always".

Is it to such things that they call shamelessness, scandal, trafficking of influences, profanation, desacralization...? A layman with religious and fetishist pretensions rubbed shoulders with Roman dicasteries' heads, especially with Monsignor Bertomeu. Bertomeu may have gotten where he is by, we have been told, "doing an unpayable favor to a bishop who could have gone to jail." The name of the bishop? In another entry.

Monsignor Bertomeu

Custodio Ballester -another priest repressed by Cardinal Omella for political convenience between the Cardinal and the city municipal authorities of L'Hospitalet de Llobregat's anti-Catholic left-, wrote in an article about the possibility that evidence of the horrors of the pedophilia of the House of Santiago was destroyed in Rome. Bertomeu, a young monsignor who has risen like the foam for some reason that we are trying to discover, said that the problem is Barcelona, not "them" (the Congregation of the Faith) for not having taken good custody of the evidence.

Cardinal Omella and the sex life of his vicars and altar "big boys". Omella's double yardstick

In a recent post (you can read it here), we mentioned that the other side of the coin in this witch-hunt against reverend Miguel a Barco is that Cardinal Omella permits liturgical aberrations such as the one mentioned above and which is clearly shown in the photographs below. Among these, the blessing of lesbians in a grotesque marriage in the presbytery of a church in Pueblo Nuevo. But something has happened, and we will continue to show it, with Barco, that is interfering with the Cardinal's career.

Juan José and (rough) sex

Omella has something to do with the meat industry, sex for sale, we mean. Information reaches our email Inbox about Omella having tolerated in a town on the outskirts of his diocese, during Christmas time and within a canonical foundation, the promotion of pornography. This happened at a performance of a Christmas play for families, which are among the most important in Catalonia. This was done by allowing a porn actor to participate as a hidden guest among the actors. The children and families had to guess who he was. The Cardinal was informed in advance for several weeks before the Christmas performances. What the Cardinal did was threaten the laywoman. She had denounced this in writing to the archbishopric. The persecution against this laywoman lasts until today, when about five years have already passed. When we analyze this information, we will offer it to the reader.

The biases do not end here. But the Cardinal is very concerned about reverent Barco wearing ecclesiastical vestments, even when the Cardinal himself may have denied him a correct canonical procedure to oppose the false accusations. These accusations have led this priest to an illegitimate and invalid secularization.

Santiago Bueno -the Cardinal's gay judicial vicar-, and his tolerance of the profanation of the vows and the gift of sexuality contrary to the law of God and the norms of the institution he represents

The following photographs taken from the Facebook account of the two acolytes of Santa Maria Reina de Pedralbes in Barcelona show the double yardstick of measuring and judging people in the Diocese of Barcelona.

The way of life of these people is not judged here, but it shows how it is opposed to the teachings of the Catholic Church. And it seems to have the support of Mgr. Cardinal, since he knows, hides it and investigates at the same time if any vestige of the documents that denounced the cases of pederasty remains. These cases of pederasty led to the suicide of a teenager and the promotion of two pedophile seminarians who were later ordained against the orders of the then Cardinal of Barcelona Narcís Juvany. This was possible thanks to the signature of now Cardinal Emeritus Sistach, as was lately explained by the then procurator of justice of the diocese of Barcelona (see Entry here).

Everyone can sleep with anyone, and at the same time, help at Mass or lead a parish. But, oh, it seems difficult to explain the obsession of Cardinal Omella that Barco does not dress as a priest.

In order not to tire the reader, in the following Entry we will elaborate on the role of Santiago Bueno in the custody of the evidence of pederasty in Barcelona and why his candidacy to become a bishop might have been rejected.

Photo album of the ecclesiastical Pride of Barcelona






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