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Actualizado: 7 mar

“Si no estás preparado para morir por ella, saca la palabra libertad de tu vocabulario.”

JacquesPintor, journalists | July 1, 2022. 5:15 p.m.


You can also read this in Spanish, here.

Pope Benedict XVI would be on the verge of death, for which he has been preparing for many years without ceasing to render his talents, publishing non stop. One of the greatest intellectuals of the 20th and 21st century may leave us in the next few hours.

JaquesPintor | Marco T.

Copyright @2019-2022 JACQUES PINTOR Any quotation from this article must refer directly to this Entry, this Blog and its author Jacques Pintor, journalists. To contribute information write to, Twitter @jacquesplease
1. Benedict XVI's last hours?

His personal secretary Georg Gänswein was recently seen in tears when asked about Benedict's health. The prophecy of St. Malachi, described in his penultimate book by our collaborator Jordi Picazo (see here, and in the video at the bottom of this entry), is fulfilled. Benedict XVI, Gloria Olivae in the prophecy, would be "the last pope of the Church as we have known it", followed by the last on the list, Petrus Romanus, Pope Francis.

Certainly Benedict XVI is very old, 95 years old, and he has given surprises due to his precarious health. Even so, the Providence has granted him the gift of maintaining an extraordinary lucidity that allows him to continue writing theological texts.

We will keep this information up to date, since we have dared to give it, due to news that reach us from Rome. However, it is clear that the will of so many hundreds of millions of people among whom we in this team feel we belong, wish him to remain with us for many years to come. It is far from the spirit of this WEB to play with people's feelings and with cheap speculations. We have provided dozens of documents never published before to support our journalistic denunciations.

2. You may also be interested in:

3. The beauty of the Christian Family. St. Malachi's prophecy fulfilled


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